Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Lawson at 17 Months!

Lawson has reached a new level of cuteness lately, both in his looks and personality.  This week he got his first big boy styled hair cut and I have never been so sensitive or emotional about a haircut in my life!  It made me feel as though he had completely grown up on me, where did my little baby boy go? 

He is a total full on toddler now that loves to get into everything (see images below, lol!).  His favorite things to do now are read books, eat lollypops, go to the beach and the park, get into all the cabinets and take everything out of them, bake with mommy and take naps with daddy.  He is turning into such a ham and constantly cracking Prescott and I up.  

We are all getting very excited for our first real summer vacation since Lawson has been born and are just counting down the days.  It will also be the first time that I will have left the new bakery to go on a full week vacation out of the country, so I am a little nervous about that, but know that everything will be fine.  I have a great team there and just have to let go and trust in them, which is hard for such a controlling and involved business owner as myself!  

I have to say, I have never had so much fun packing though and not for myself but for Lawson.  The boy toddler clothes I found have truly exceeded all my expectations.  I am obsessed with each one of his outfits :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Lawson at 16 Months

Well, we think Lawson has entered into the world of terrible twos a little early!  He is a total wild rebel not to be reckoned with.  His new favorite word is no and it is really the only actual word that he uses anymore (besides his favorite phrase "be happy").  The funniest part is that he loves to tell himself no as his is doing something that he knows I am going to say no to, smart boy!

Lawson's new favorite things to do are to climb up onto everything, take out every possible chord/pot/pan/dvd basically any item in a cabinet that isn't child locked and string it everywhere around the house and throw fits when he doesn't get what he wants or is told no (see photos below!).  

The bakery has been at an all-time high, as far as orders go and it has been crazy trying to keep up with both Lawson and the bakery, but we are managing to do both and luckily I have a great team of people around me to help make everything work out :)  

Lawson has learned where his belly button is and continues to understand more and more of what we are saying.  He now follows orders (if he so pleases) and will put his diaper in the trash by himself, take his dirty laundry and put it in the hamper and even close the refrigerator door for me at times.  It is pretty crazy and funny to see him learn how to do these simple mundane tasks.

Overall, all is good, just a bit stressful at the moment and I am looking forward to things getting a little easier soon!