Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014!

Easter was amazing this year.  We are so blessed to have spent it with family and friends including our beautifully joyful baby boy.  Lawson had a blast, as we all played pass the baby, he loves being held!  He also was a dream at church, probably because I nursed him under my shawl during the whole service, lol!  

I have to admit being a mommy was a little tough and confusing at first and it is easy to doubt yourself (especially with everyone's opinions and advice!), but I feel I have finally figured out what works best for our family and that is to listen to what Prescott and I's heartfelt instincts tell us.  There is an amazing bond between a baby and its mother that innately tells you what to do.  I think it is important to listen to that inner feeling and go with it despite what others might say or what you may read.  

My baby is not on a schedule and I don't watch the clock or let him cry it out.  I just love him and listen to him and it has made a happy baby, therefore a happy mama.  Some may think I am spoiling my baby or making him dependent... that is actually impossible.  You can't spoil a baby, just like a baby can't manipulate it's parents.  

A baby cries because it needs something, in Lawson's case that something is usually milk, lol!  Therefore, I nurse him whenever he is hungry (and that is okay!), just like we hold him when he wants to be held, which is most of the time :)  This creates a baby that feels loved, nurtured and heard, a trusting baby that learns good communication and life skills. Lawson is happy and healthy, thriving and growing and a lot of that has to do with the trust that we are building with him by listening to his needs and responding accordingly.  

I am beyond thankful that I get to spend this time with my little boy and can raise him in the way that I see fit.  It takes a lot of time, effort and dedication but he is so worth every second of it.  So if that email has to wait or the laundry is piling up, its alright for now because I have a more important priority to tend to and that's our little Lawson, that's where all my Easter eggs are going this year into my little baby's basket :) 

Mommy and daddy love you sweet boy!

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